3 min readSep 25, 2021

🔹 ARTH — Task 1.5🔹

Task Description 📄

📌 Find out different Fun commands like sl, cowsay etc. in Linux from the Internet. Next, create one blog/document & there show all those commands with various options. P

Normally, when we listen about Linux and the terminal first thought that comes to our mind is that it is something related to coding.

How about a train goes by the terminal?!🚂

To run this train, use the simple sl command.

[root@localhost ~]#sl

The next interesting and fun command is,

[root@localhost ~]#telnet

As we can see, one of the episodes of STAR WARS is being displayed and this is really unexpected to see it in the terminal of Linux !🤩

LINUX ON FIRE !!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

[root@localhost ~]#yum install aalib
[root@localhost ~]#cmatrix

Here are other commands which are really amazing :

[root@localhost ~]#yum install cowsay
[root@localhost ~]#cowsay text
[root@localhost ~]#yes text

You might have seen the Hollywood movie ‘matrix‘ and would be fascinated with the power. This is how it comes :

[root@localhost ~]#yum install cmatrix
[root@localhost ~]#cmatrix

Here is one more amazing command where we can style the text using characters and style it according to our wish and learn about more commands using man figlet

[root@localhost ~]#yum install figlet
[root@localhost ~]#figlet text

Also, I tried some tricks with command

[root@localhost ~]#tput setab {}
[root@localhost ~]#tput setaf {}

In those curly braces, we can put numbers from 0–7 for changing colors

We can try mixing the colours which will give up new look to the terminal.


